La Femme - Breast Enhancement Liquid, 4 oz , (Baywood)
La Femme - Breast Enhancement Liquid, 4 oz , (Baywood)

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La Femme - Breast Enhancement Liquid, 4 oz , (Baywood)
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La Femme -  Breast Enhancement Liquid, 4 oz, (Baywood)

You will find the new formula will give you the same benefits as the old formula, plus more! Nutrients and other natural ingredients such as gamma linoleic acid (GLA) from evening primrose oil, maitake, lecithin and other vitamins and minerals known for supporting glandular tissue functioning have been added to make Complete La Femme Breast & Balance a more complete formula.
  • Now contains nutritives, including EFA's.  
  • Maintains healthy hormone levels to bring balance and harmony.*  
  • Formulated with botanicals and other natural ingredients for PMS relief.*  
  • Includes herbs and antioxidants that contribute to healthy immune function.
Complete La Femme Breast & Balance includes our original female hormone balancing herbal formula now trademarked as Mazoreal. We have maitained the main ingredients of our original formula, but added several new ingredients for supporting the immune system, glandular function and hormonal balance.  
Women’s Delicate Hormonal Balance 
Women may experience any number of hormonal shifts or imbalances throughout their lifetime that can affect their daily functioning and quality of life. A number of women often experience irregular or even painful menstrual periods along with Pre-Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) that includes unpleasant symptoms such as mood swings, irritability, bloating and cramping. 
All components of the breast are influenced by female hormones with the glandular tissue being the most sensitive. Very dramatic and totally normal changes can occur in the consistency of the breasts during the menstrual cycle, due to hormonal shifts. These changes are most evident just prior to menstruation when levels of estrogen and progesterone are peaking. 
There are several nutrients that can help support female hormonal balance. Certain natural ingredients can also aid in the proper function of a healthy immune system, lymph drainage, and glandular function, by providing essential nutrients. Some of the most important ingredients for these purposes are maitake mushroom, evening primrose oil (GLA),vitamin E, lecithin, zinc, vitamin B-6, selenium and folic acid. 
Anatomy of the Breast 
The breast is made of lobes of glandular tissue with associated ducts for transfer of the milk to the exterior and supportive fibrous and fatty tissue. On average, there are 15 to 20 lobes in each breast, arranged roughly in a wheel spoke pattern emanating from the nipple area. The distribution of the lobes is not even, however. There is a preponderance of glandular tissue in the upper outer portion of the breast. This is responsible for the tenderness in this region that many women experience prior to their menstrual cycle. 
Breast tissue is supported by ligaments called Cooper's ligaments that keep the breasts in their characteristic shape and position. In the elderly or in pregnancy, these ligaments become loose or stretched and the breasts sag. The lymphatic system drains the tissues of the breast of excess fluid. Lymph nodes in the glandular tissue along the pathway of drainage, also function to screen for foreign bodies (as part of the immune system) such as bacteria or viruses. 
Complete La Femme Breast & Balance 
Baywood proudly introduces our new Complete La Femme Breast & Balance. Complete La Femme Breast & Balance includes our original female hormone balancing herbal formula now trademarked as Mazoreal. Like our original formula, we have maintained the main ingredients, but also included several new ingredients for supporting glandular function and hormonal balance. Nutrients and other natural ingredients such as gamma linoleic acid (GLA) (from evening primrose oil), maitake, lecithin and other vitamins and minerals known for supporting glandular functioning and hormone balance, have been added to make Complete La Femme Breast & Balance a more complete formula. 
Functions of The New Ingredients in Complete La Femme Breast & Balance 
Maitake mushroom powder is known mostly for supporting proper immune function, which assists in maintaining healthy glandular function and lymph drainage; these actions are essential to the breast. Lecithin (a phospholipid) provides a building block for the formation of cell membranes and is often used to support healthy glandular function from a cellular level. Evening primrose oil (GLA) can assist with relief of PMS symptoms by supplying the essential fatty acids that are necessary for proper hormonal regulation, proper immune function and glandular tissue funtion. Vitamin E is an important antioxidant with many health functions, as it protects cell membranes and also serves to protect fatty acids in the body against oxidative damage. Vitamin B-6 assists as a co-factor with increasing the production of neurotransmitters in the brain. Since lowered levels of neurotransmitters have been implicated in PMS symptoms, it is often used to help with relieving PMS. Vitamin B-6 is known to assist with water retention (bloating) in PMS as well. Zinc is another important antioxidant that supports healthy immune function, which in turn supports proper glandular function and lymph drainage. Folic acid is an important nutrient for women, well known for supporting healthy glandular function. Selenium is a great antioxidant with many functions, most notably in supporting the immune system, detoxification pathways, and for protecting the liver. Many health practitioners believe supporting the liver can oftentimes aid in PMS relief, since the liver metabolizes hormones.
Use as directed.
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零售价: $44.95
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La Femme -  Breast Enhancement Liquid, 4 oz, (Baywood)

This unique formulation is a combination of 100% natural herbs specifically designed to assist a woman’s female hormone imbalance. Complete La Femme Breast Enhancement Formula contains a proprietary blend of eight herbs. The herbs include Saw Palmetto (berry), Pueraria Mirifica (leaf), Dong Quai (root), Damiana (leaf), Hops (flower), Fenugreek (seed), Blessed Thistle (leaf), Wild Yam (root). 
Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 2 ml (1/2 teaspoons)
Servings Per Container: 60
Amount per serving
Calories 10 0%*
Protein <1g 0%
Iron 0g 4%
Proprletary Herbal Blend 568 mg
Saw Palmetto (berry) **
Puerarla Mirifica (leaf) **
Dong Quai (root) **
Damiana (leaf) **
Hops (flower) **
Fenugreek (seed) **
Blessed Thistte (leaf) **
Wild Yam (root) **
*USRDA based on a 2,000 calorie diet.
*USRDA not yet established.

La Femme -  Breast Enhancement Liquid, 4 oz, (Baywood)

Editor's rating: 8 out of 10
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roxy  "is o.k"
for me it worked It regulated my period.

..  "It"
Hi everyone! OK, I think we really need an honest opinion here. The Complete La Femme liquid, pills, and lotion did NOT work for me. I tried Complete La Femme for six (6) months, but to my dismay, I did NOT experience any growth in my breasts. I only got 62% of my money back, so I can certainly say that it was a waste of money and frustration. It really seems that breast enlargement pills, creams, liquids, etc. are all scams. If anyone wants to discuss this with me, please feel free to email me. Sorry for being pessimistic. I just want to be honest. I am NOT an advertiser for any company; I'm just your average female who is concerned about her non-existent breasts.

La Femme -  Breast Enhancement Liquid, 4 oz, (Baywood)

La Femme - Breast Enhancement Liquid is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.

La Femme -  Breast Enhancement Liquid, 4 oz, (Baywood)

La Femme -  Breast Enhancement Liquid, 4 oz, (Baywood)