BetterMan - Promotes Healthy Sexual Performance & Urinary Control, 40 caps , (Interceuticals)
BetterMan - Promotes Healthy Sexual Performance & Urinary Control, 40 caps , (Interceuticals)

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BetterMan - Promotes Healthy Sexual Performance & Urinary Control, 40 caps , (Interceuticals)
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BetterMan -  Promotes Healthy Sexual Performance & Urinary Control, 40 caps, (Interceuticals)

BetterMan is a tested, all-natural Chinese herbal supplement formulated specifically for men. It is for men who desire improved sexual performance, or for any man who wants to make sure the performance he already has doesn't diminish. BetterMan also promotes more consistent urinary control. During the day you'll no longer have to make constant excuses to use the bathroom, and at night you'll no longer have to get up repeatedly, disturbing your sleep and that of your partner.
  • Attains Harder, More Frequent Erections
  • Decreases Premature Ejaculation
  • Increases Sexual Libido
  • Decreases Frequent Urination
  • Promotes Prostate Health
  • 100% Natural, Safe, No Side Effects

The following research studies show that BetterMAN is effective for improving either erectile or prostate health, or both. (See the Research Studies section for more details on each study listed below). 
Study #1: A controlled scientific study conducted by leading impotency researcher Tom Lue, MD, Professor of Urology at the University of California, San Francisco, confirms the BetterMAN formula is highly effective in improving erectile functions in impotent animals.  
The study was published in the November 2000 issue of the prestigious Journal of Urology, the Official Journal of the American Urological Association. "The significance of this study is that it ruled out the placebo effect, which can be as high as 35-40% in men." ?Tom Lue, MD 
Study #2: Physicians in China have prescribed the original BetterMAN formula for more than 50 years. In a study of 5,000 Chinese men taking the formula over a 10-year period, 75% of users reported improvement in sexual functioning and urinary control. 
Study #3: A recent third-party independent study of U.S. American men showed a just-as-impressive 70% success rate for improving either sexual and/or urinary functions. 
Study #4: In 2001, two hundred and thirty (n=230) BetterMAN users participated in a confidential third party survey. Over 75% of the men reported improvements in sexual functions and over 90% of men reported improvements in urinary/prostate health.

2 capsules daily, 1 after breakfast and 1 after dinner, for 20 days (1 bottle), followed by 3 days without use.  
Take 3 bottles consecutively for best results. Long-term usage thereafter is recommended.
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BetterMan -  Promotes Healthy Sexual Performance & Urinary Control, 40 caps, (Interceuticals)

Supplement Facts
Serving Size 1 Capsule
Servings Per Container 40

Amount per capsule

Proprietary Blend 0.9 g **
Radix ginseng, Rhizonma dioscoreae, Radix paeoniae alba, Herba epimedii, Cornu cervi pantotrichum, Radix astragali, Poria cocos, Radix morindae officinalis, Fructus corni, Cortex eucommiac, Radix angelicae sinensis, Fructus lycii, Radix Rehmanniae, Rhizoma chuanxiong, Fructus schisandrae, Acanthopanax senticosus, Cynomorium songaricum rupr, Cortex cinnamomi.
**Daily Value not yet established.
Other Ingredients: Gelatin.

BetterMan -  Promotes Healthy Sexual Performance & Urinary Control, 40 caps, (Interceuticals)

Editor's rating: 8.25 out of 10
User's rating: 100% 0%


Many people wondered why as a woman biologist as myself would choose to research and develop a product that focused on male erectile dysfunction. As a Western trained professional coming from a family with three generations of medical professionals, I firmly believe that Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has much to offer the sexual healthcare needs of the world. As a Western trained professional, I also realize that certain aspects of TCM can benefit from Western scientific methods and technology.  
After receiving my doctorate in biology in the United States and spending years as a researcher at MIT, CalTech and in the pharmaceutical industry, I clearly saw the value modern Western pharmaceutical companies offer consumers. At the same time, I started to realize the limitations of pharmaceutical drugs. Very often, drugs have many side effects. Most importantly, they are not appropriate for people who want to take a proactive, natural approach to improve their health. I have researched and develop BetterMan to bridge the gap between these two health care cultures, hoping this product can provide men with a better product with a natural approach.


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Jame and Donald  "My father at 87 loves this!!"
My father who is 87 y/o. Had a prostate problem with precancer stage. I sent him 3 bottles to see if it would his holding the urine problem at night. Well it did more than that. I cleared up his prostate completely. This was confirmed by the Mayo Clinc Minnesota. Now he takes bettermam every day. So guys with prostate problems this can help.

James  "This product works!!!"
I am 59 y/y and need to be ready for my wife who is 46. Well after 8 months of taking this product. I have never been happier. I tried other products. this one has worked best for me. And it did effect my high blood pressure. It actually improved it. I tried RX for one year also. It did not work for me like betterman did! I would add horny goat weed from them as well!! I take 3 of them per day. this helps the hormone system in a guy or woman!!

BetterMAN significantly improved in many patients both their libido and sexual functions, as well as surprisingly improved their urinary symptoms.

I began to get hard, spontaneous erections in the middle of the day or while driving. My Libido has returned to that of a younger man. After 3 bottles, I had erections as I did in my 30s!

Kracoff  "Health & Wellness Center at Johnson Drugs"
We have more than 1,000 men currently using BetterMAN. Many of the men report a decrease in urinary urgency and frequency of nighttime urination. Most customers have noticed major improvements in being able to get and maintain erections, and have found an overall greater sexual satisfaction. We have been recommending BetterMAN since 1998, and have found it to be a safe product, without side effects or contraindications with prescription medications commonly used by hypertensive and diabetic patients.

Jerry Emtage, MD
We have been recommending BetterMAN since 2001. It works. Our patients are returning regularly to ask for it. We have no reports of side effects or contraindications.

Anonymous  "Wife of a 65-year old user"
My husband initially bought BetterMAN for his prostate issues. Now he wants SEX every night.

Jim  "late 30's, enhanced erection, and decreased premature ejaculation"
My girlfriend bought the first three bottles of BetterMAN for me. I am now on my 6th bottle. Now she asks Tonight again?

Jack  "Jack (mid 40's, improved erection"
My urologist introduced me to BetterMAN for my impotence problem. In the first month, I saw no effect. By the second month, I began to suspect that there was change. My erection seemed to have a life of its own! That was novel! Since taking BetterMAN, my erections have been generally stronger, my confidence and hope greatly boosted and my libido greatly enhanced.

Lenny  "mid 50's, improved erection"
Five years ago, I had been experiencing a very gradual increase in the frequency of impotence, as is probably the case with many men in their fifties. When the problem arose (failed to arise) about 50% of the time, I became concerned, and thought about medical help. Then cancer struck my spouse and my physical problems seemed minor, and I ignored them for four years until she died last year. At the present time, I have no intimate relationships. However, I decided to try BetterMAN in the hopes of improving my sexual health in the future. I have noticed some very definite physical changes. I do have a greatly increased incidence of spontaneous erection, which used to occur two to three times a week, and now occurs once or twice per day, especially upon waking. They are full, long-lasting erections. This is a completely new event, and very encouraging to me regarding the future.

42 year old Boston Man  "This product works for urinary control"
I tried many things, exercises, saw palmetto, and much more. Nothing else worked as well as Betterman for me. It does not happen overnight, but it does eventually work and I can do not have urinary frequency anymore. I basically cannot live the life I want without it. I recommend it.

BetterMan -  Promotes Healthy Sexual Performance & Urinary Control, 40 caps, (Interceuticals)

How It Works
BetterMAN improves blood circulation in penile tissues, modulates muscular, neuromuscular and central nervous system functions-keys for proper erectile and prostate health based on Traditional Chinese Medicine theory. BetterMAN's approach is natural and holistic. It enhances underlying vital health systems related to men's sexual and prostate health and provides long-lasting benefits rather than a temporary "fix".  
The University of California, San Francisco study shows 100% of the BetterMAN-treated rats were able to restore normal erectile functions while the control group remained 100% impotent. The data also shows a dramatically improved penile tissue structure in the BetterMAN-fed group.  
The significance of this study is that it rules out the placebo effect, and confirms that the results BetterMAN users enjoy are indeed physiological and not psychological.

What can BetterMan do for me?
What studies show the BetterMan formula works?
Does BetterMan have an effect on nitric oxide synthase levels?
Why should I try BetterMan over other supplements?
Is BetterMan safe?
How do I take BetterMan?
When should I expect to see results?
What shall I do after finishing the recommended 3 bottles?
Do I have to take BetterMan forever? Will I become addicted to it?
Can I take BetterMan even if I don't have any sexual issues?
Can I take BetterMan if I'm also taking Viagra?
Can I take BetterMan if I have health conditions?
Can I take BetterMan after prostate cancer surgery?
Can I take my regular multiple vitamins along with BetterMan?
Can I take BetterMan if I had a problem taking Ginseng?
Can I take other herbal formulas for prostate health with BetterMan?
Why do I need to take a 3-day break in between each bottle?

What can BetterMan do for me?
BetterMan can improve both your erectile function and prostate health. It provides broad sexual benefits for men to attain harder, stronger, more frequent erections, decrease premature ejaculation and increase sexual libido. Additionally, it decreases nighttime urinary frequency and promotes overall prostate health.

If you are a male over 40, you may want to give BetterMan serious consideration. Surveys show that 50% of men over 40 experience various degrees of erection frustration. Many of them also experience increased urination frequency, especially at night. As men age, the percentage of those having sexual and prostate issues increases dramatically. However, these issues are not an inevitable part of the aging process; there are many 70 and 80-year- old men who have healthy sex lives. It makes a good sense to take care of your sexual health as early as possible to enhance and protect your erectile and prostate functions. In addition to BetterMan, it is important to exercise regularly, eat a balanced diet, watch your weight, limit stress levels and refrain from smoking.

While the majority of BetterMAN users are men over 40, BetterMan is appropriate for any adult male who wants to enhance their sexual potency naturally. | Top |

What studies show the BetterMan formula works?
The following research studies show that BetterMan is effective for improving either erectile or prostate health, or both.

Study #1: A controlled scientific study conducted by leading impotency researcher Tom Lue, MD, Professor of Urology at the University of California, San Francisco, confirms the BetterMAN formula is highly effective in improving erectile functions in impotent animals. The study was published in the November 2000 issue of the prestigious Journal of Urology, the Official Journal of the American Urological Association. "The significance of this study is that it ruled out the placebo effect, which can be as high as 35-40% in men." ?Tom Lue, MD

Study #2: Physicians in China have prescribed the original BetterMan formula for more than 50 years. In a study of 5,000 Chinese men taking the formula over a 10-year period, 75% of users reported improvement in sexual functioning and urinary control.

Study #3: A recent third-party independent study of U.S. American men showed a just-as-impressive 70% success rate for improving either sexual and/or urinary functions.

Study #4: In 2001, two hundred and thirty (n=230) BetterMan users participated in a confidential third party survey. Over 75% of the men reported improvements in sexual functions and over 90% of men reported improvements in urinary/prostate health. | Top |

Does BetterMan have an effect on nitric oxide synthase (NOS) levels?
No, BetterMan does not have an effect at the enzyme expression level. Based on the findings of the UCSF study (see Research Studies), the mechanism of action of the BetterMan formula appears to be very different from the PDE-5 inhibitors, such as Viagra, which impact NOS levels. BetterMan provides spontaneous erections rather than a pill induced temporary response. In addition, BetterMan also increases libido and supports prostate health. | Top |

Why should I try BetterMan over other supplements?

  • BetterMan formula works —this proprietary herbal formula (not just 1 or 2 herbal components in a formula) is scientifically and clinically proven. BetterMan is the only natural male sexual formula on today's US market which has published scientific evidence to support the formula's effect is not placebo.
  • One formula provides broad spectrum of benefits for erectile functions and prostate health.
  • No side effects with a long safety history spanning 50 years.
  • No known contraindications with commonly prescribed medications.
  • Not a stimulant; contains no hormones. BetterMan functions steadily and continuously.
  • No bio-resistance after years of regular usage—Many men have used BetterMan regularly since 1998, and continue to experience incremental improvements in sexual and urinary health. Some "quick-fix" formulas on the market may work for you initially, but they tend to stop being effective after 3-6 months because they tend to further deplete your biosystem rather than gradually replenish your system as BetterMan does.
  • Guaranteed high quality without heavy metal contaminants; manufactured in the USA under current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMPs) standards.
  • Recommended by many physicians, urologists
    and pharmacists. | Top |

Is BetterMan safe?
BetterMan formula has been safely used in China for more than 10 years and in the US since 1998, no negative side effects have been reported; no contraindications with medications have been reported.

If you have a medical condition, take prescription medications, plan to have surgery, or are prone to allergic reactions, consult your urologist, physician, or health professional before taking any dietary supplement. | Top |

How do I take BetterMan?
Optimal effectiveness (over 70%) requires a minimum of 3 bottles (60 days of use). Each bottle contains 40 capsules. Take 2 capsules daily, one after breakfast, and one after dinner. Take a 3-day break without capsules between each bottle. Try to avoid taking the capsule on an empty
stomach. | Top |

When should I expect to see results?
The progress is gradual and incremental rather than an overnight improvement. Over 70% of men will see noticeable improvements after 3 bottles (about 60 days) and some men may see results within 30 days depending on your age and starting condition. You will experience harder, stronger and much more frequent erections, and fewer nighttime bathroom trips. If you have both erection and urination issues, most likely, you will notice urination benefits first, followed by erectile benefits. If you are over 70 or recovering from nerve spare prostate surgery, it will usually take longer (5-6 months) to see the improvements. Continued usage will result in ongoing improvements. | Top |

What shall I do after finishing the recommended 3 bottles?
If you notice dramatic improvement and are satisfied with the results, continued usage will result in ongoing improvements.

If you experience subtle but not dramatic improvement, you should definitely continue for another 3 bottles. It means your body requires more time and support, which is not surprising after years of output without replenishment to your sexual system. You will notice a continued slow, but steady improvement in sexual and urinary functioning. If you have both sexual and urinary issues, you will usually see the urinary benefits first, followed by the sexual benefits.

If you did not see even the slightest improvement in either sexual and/or urinary issues, then BetterMan is not for you. Do not continue to take it. BetterMan works for over 70% of the men, but not for everybody. Please call us for feedback or advice. | Top |

Do I have to take BetterMan forever? Will I become addicted to it?
It is not necessary to take BetterMan forever, although continued usage results in ongoing improvements. Take BetterMan for a period of time until you feel confident with your sexual performance level or urination frequency or both. You may stay off it for a while until you feel you need to take it again. BetterMan is not addictive, and is safe for long-term use. | Top |

Can I take BetterMan even if I don't have any sexual issues, but would like to be better?
You will be doing yourself a big favor if you take a proactive approach to protect your sexual potency. Prevention is the best defense. BetterMan can be taken by any adult male to enhance and maintain your present sexual potency level now and for years to come. The scientific study published in the Journal of Urology indicates BetterMan may help protect erectile function by protecting blood vessels in the penis from the harmful damage caused by high serum cholesterol in animal studies. Every one can always be better. | Top |

Can I take BetterMan if I'm also taking Viagra?
In a 2001 on-line survey of 230 BetterMan users, almost 30% used Viagra concurrently with BetterMAN in order to "get the best of both products." Without any reported side effects. Additionally, 53% of BetterMAN users claimed to have used Viagra at one time. Of those men who had stopped using Viagra, the main reasons for no longer using it were: 40% (Immediate side effects); 37% (Prefer a natural alternative); 38% (Not as effective as expected). | Top |

Can I take BetterMan if I have health conditions or I am taking medications?
Always check with your urologist, physician or other health care professional before taking any dietary supplement if you are on any prescription medication or under a physician's care for a health condition. The most commonly asked about health conditions are diabetes and hypertension.

Since its introduction on the US market in 1998, many men with diabetes and hypertension have used BetterMan after discussing it with their physician, and have experienced enhanced sexual performance without side effects or contraindications. Only your physician can provide you with the proper advice. | Top |

Can I take BetterMan after prostate cancer surgery?
This is a very commonly asked question; the answer depends largely upon the degree of damage to the local nerves caused by the surgery. If you had nerve-spare surgery, BetterMan may be helpful. In these cases, it may takes 5-6 bottles for men to experience noticeable improvements in their sexual health.

Based on communications with BetterMan users who had undergone prostate cancer surgery, there was no sign of PSA increases after one year of BetterMan use. Please ask your physician for advice. | Top |

Can I take my regular multiple vitamins along with BetterMan?
Yes. An overall healthy lifestyle will only enhance the benefits of
BetterMan. | Top |

Can I take BetterMan if I had a problem taking Ginseng?
Yes. Many ginseng products contain high concentrations of the root's active compounds, and function as stimulants; they have been known to cause heart palpitations, especially in hypertensive patients. BetterMan is a well-balanced formula with ginseng as one of 18 herbal components. No side effects have been reported. As a rule of thumb, closely monitor your reactions when trying any new dietary supplement. Please contact us if you experience any adverse reaction. | Top |

Can I take Saw Palmetto or other herbal formulas for prostate health with BetterMan?
Yes you can, but it is not necessary. Many BetterMan users have tried Saw Palmetto, but found BetterMan to be more effective for prostate and urinary health issues, especially for nighttime urinary frequency, as well as urgency and hesitancy issues. Unlike saw palmetto, BetterMan also improves erectile and sexual functions. | Top |

Why do I need to take a 3-day break in between each bottle of BetterMan?
The 3-day break between each bottle of BetterManis a "wash out" period recommended based on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) theory to prevent potential resistance to the formula as a result of long term
usage. | Top |

Case Studies
From Health Care Professionals

  • Thomas Kingston, MD, Urologist, Urology Associates, Boston, Massachusetts?"BetterMAN significantly improved in many patients both their libido and sexual functions, as well as surprisingly improved their urinary symptoms."
  • Gary Kracoff, RPh, Health & Wellness Center at Johnson Drugs, Boston, Massachusetts ?"We have more than 1,000 men currently using BetterMAN. Many of the men report a decrease in urinary urgency and frequency of nighttime urination. Most customers have noticed major improvements in being able to get and maintain erections, and have found an overall greater sexual satisfaction. We have been recommending BetterMAN since 1998, and have found it to be a safe product, without side effects or contraindications with prescription medications commonly used by hypertensive and diabetic patients."
  • Jerry Emtage, MD, Urologist, BVI ?"We have been recommending BetterMAN since 2001. It works. Our patients are returning regularly to ask for it. We have no reports of side effects or contraindications."
  • Barry Stern, MD, Urologist, Arizona ?"My patients must be getting pretty good results... They are coming back and ask for more."
  • Lawrence Dorman, DO, Applewood Medical Center, Missouri ?"We have treated over 300 patients with BetterMAN in an attempt to restore optimum prostate health and reverse impotency. Eighty percent of men with nocturia noticed marked improvement in symptoms. We have used many products over the last 30 years, and have found BetterMAN to be the most beneficial product for treating chronic prostate conditions, including inflammation and enlargement. BetterMAN quickly relieves the discomfort associated with urination along with urgency, frequency and hesitancy.  
    BetterMAN is a tremendous treatment for impotency in men. Men state that they have harder, firmer, much longer lasting erections, and much better sex. BetterMAN is non-toxic, safe, all natural, and works to revitalize prostate and sexual health. I unreservedly recommend BetterMAN as the best product currently on the market."
  • Arnold Gitomer, RPh, Willner Chemists, New York City ?"BetterMAN is the most successful product for men's sexual health that I've ever had the pleasure of recommending at Willner Chemists."
  • Lester R. Carter, RPh, Carter Drugs, Milwaukee, Wisconsin ?"The feedback on BetterMAN has been phenomenal, especially for improving prostate health as well as associated erectile dysfunction problems. I would highly recommend this product to every man experiencing these problems."
From User's Spouse/Partner
  • Wife of a 55-year-old user (on sexual benefits) ?"My husband has been on BetterMAN for several months now. I need to do something. Either stop his supply of BetterMAN or help me with something!"
  • Wife of a 65-year old user (on sexual and prostate benefits) ?"My husband initially bought BetterMAN for his prostate issues. Now he wants SEX every night!"
From BetterMan Users
  • Jim (late 30's, enhanced erection, and decreased premature ejaculation) ?"My girlfriend bought the first three bottles of BetterMAN for me. I am now on my 6th bottle. Now she asks 'Tonight again?'"
  • Jack (mid 40's, improved erection) ?"My urologist introduced me to BetterMAN for my impotence problem. In the first month, I saw no effect. By the second month, I began to suspect that there was change. My erection seemed to have a life of its own! That was novel! Since taking BetterMAN, my erections have been generally stronger, my confidence and hope greatly boosted and my libido greatly enhanced."
  • Lenny (mid 50's, improved erection) ?"Five years ago, I had been experiencing a very gradual increase in the frequency of impotence, as is probably the case with many men in their fifties. When the problem arose (failed to arise) about 50% of the time, I became concerned, and thought about medical help. Then cancer struck my spouse and my physical problems seemed minor, and I ignored them for four years until she died last year. 
    At the present time, I have no intimate relationships. However, I decided to try BetterMAN in the hopes of improving my sexual health in the future. I have noticed some very definite physical changes. I do have a greatly increased incidence of spontaneous erection, which used to occur two to three times a week, and now occurs once or twice per day, especially upon waking. They are full, long-lasting erections. This is a completely new event, and very encouraging to me regarding the future."
  • Jeff (early 50's, improved erection and libido) ?" I have been taking BetterMAN for about 18 months now. I am in tune with my body, and have eaten healthy and exercise constantly for many years. So it was with some disappointment that I began to notice in my late 40's that my previously always active libido seemed to be fading away, and I was beginning to have trouble sustaining erections through intercourse. This was a slow insidious change that I did not notice first. Perhaps of even more concern, I noticed that I was less interested, and even apathetic at times to the opposite sex. I was discouraged by this lack of interest and performance.  
    I learned about BetterMAN through a feature article in Boston Business Journal in 1998. At first, I was skeptical and a bit apprehensive, but I tried it. I did not notice any effect after the first bottle, and only a very slight effect after the 2nd bottle. But by the 3rd bottle, it was apparent that something was happening! I began to get spontaneous erections, in the middle of the day, or while driving. I don't remember getting spontaneous erections since my teenage and 20's years.  
    What an amazing result for someone who recently was having trouble getting erections at all! I have stuck to the product, consistently taking BetterMAN. I can get multiple erections daily and they last much longer. Most importantly, my libido has increased many folds since I started BetterMAN. Overall, this product has improved my quality of life tremendously. I am compelled to give this testimonial because I believe this is really an excellent product that could help many men my age."
  • John (early 50's, improving erection and prostate health, interviewed by The Boston Globe) ?"I have been experiencing prostate related symptoms for 5 to 6 years. During the first few years I noticed gradually that when I urinated, the stream would spurt in all directions, much like a garden hose would when it was pinched between my fingers. I also noticed after some time feelings of urgency to urinate, but when I went to the bathroom, little more then a trickle would appear. Trips to the bathroom at night were becoming more frequent also. I also noticed a slight discomfort in my rectum at times, as if some small object was lodged there. 
    Three years ago, my doctor told me my symptoms were common among men my age, and they were probably related to my prostate. About two years ago, I began noticing that I rarely woke up with an erection any more, and trips to bathroom at night were becoming more frequent, and the uncontrollable spray when I urinated was becoming increasingly out of control and more frustrating. 
    I had read about Saw Palmetto complex as a possible treatment, and I took it fairly regularly for over a year, but noticed no effects. Several months ago my then girlfriend, now my wife, a pharmacist, told me about BetterMAN. She told me it was composed of Chinese herbs and that many men were experiencing significant results with it. 
    I began taking BetterMAN as directed a few months ago. After two bottles, I woke up one morning with an erection, which hadn't occurred in two years. By the time I finished the third bottle, I noticed the urgency to urinate was far less frequent, and the stream did not splash in all directions as it had. These functions have all become very much like normal, as they had always been. 
    What BetterMAN has done for me makes me very happy because, although I was not in pain or sick, per se, the nuisances of the spray and the uncomfortable feelings of urgently having to urinate were irritable to me on a good day, and made me despondent on a not so good day. Also, although I had no problem getting aroused to have sex, the fact that I no longer woke up with an erection was troubling to me. Perhaps I feared it was an ominous precursor to impotence. Happily, that was the first symptom I noticed to be corrected after taking BetterMAN for two months. 
    Today I continue to take BetterMAN as suggested. All of the problems mentioned above have been reduced to being negligible. My peace of mind and, I admit, my view of myself as a middle aged man have improved enormously. I have been telling my friends and my doctors about the remarkable success I have had with this treatment. I feel compelled to write this letter so that anyone feeling the irritating and troubling symptoms I had felt may know this product has improved my feeling of well being tremendously."
  • Don (late 50's, decreased frequent nighttime urination) ?"I am 59 years old and, like many men my age, have an enlarged prostate, which was frequently forcing me to get up in the middle of the night in order to urinate. I began using BetterMAN a few weeks ago and am now sleeping comfortably through the night! What a Godsend! I would recommend this wonderful herbal product to anyone with the same problem."
  • Ron (Mid 60's, improved erection after prostate surgery) ?"I had prostate cancer surgery last year. My doctor spared one nerve. BetterMAN definitely helped me to recover my erection. I am grateful to the product."
  • George (early 70's, improved erection and premature ejaculation, interviewed by Dateline NBC, 1992) ?"Three years ago, I thought I was getting old. When it came to sex, nothing was connecting. My urologist told I needed some supplement and introduced me to BetterMAN. After 2 bottles, I noticed a big difference. My sex life became much more frequent as if I was in my 40's! I have been taking BetterMAN ever since. No side effects at all. BetterMAN is exactly what my wife and I need to put our sex life back on track."

    BetterMan is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.

BetterMan -  Promotes Healthy Sexual Performance & Urinary Control, 40 caps, (Interceuticals)

BetterMan -  Promotes Healthy Sexual Performance & Urinary Control, 40 caps, (Interceuticals)